Lila Lovely | Retail

Branding Project experience | story

Lila Lovely


Aldi and Lola decided to launch Lila Lovely, an exclusive clothing store featuring the most beautiful trendy outfits and accessories for girls in town.

They hired us to help them develop a brand strategy and visual identity. During the strategy call, we helped them define their brand purpose, competitive advantage, and ideal brand positioning to determine what we should focus on and how to create the perfect look and feel for the visual side.

These were some of our findings:

- They needed to figure out how to prioritize to achieve their primary goal: to stand out from their competitors, attract the right target audience, and boost sales by developing, retaining, and expanding a loyal client base. To achieve that goal, they needed to make an impact and grow as fast as possible, building a reputation as the clothing store of choice in town for trendy, high-end girls' clothing and accessories.

- Before contacting us, they had created a logo and some imagery. Still, those needed to be better designed due to their lack of knowledge and skills to create a bespoke design, which should be based on a solid strategy and well-defined brand guidelines. Therefore, the elements they designed couldn't portray that high-end, exclusive, cohesive look and feel in the brand identity as it needed to match the brand messaging and positioning they were looking for.

- That poor design and lack of strategy would have eventually translated into a massive loss in sales, reduced lifetime customer value, and decreased perceived value due to failure in reflecting their unique value proposition, which would lead to attracting the wrong audience and poor quality leads from advertising, and therefore to poor ROI, taking them away from their goal.

- Strategic branding was critical to the success of this project. We designed a compelling visual identity based on well-defined strategy and brand guidelines with their target audience in mind to convey a cohesive, consistent image reflecting their elegant, feminine brand personality and purpose. We needed to create a brand that projected that exclusive, high-end look and feel in everything they did, which would also be perceived as added value. That way, they could adjust their pricing strategy accordingly and attract the right audience as a high-end brand, maximizing profits and ROI.


We implemented that strategy and designed a visual identity to set them apart from their competitors. We also created new high-end, stand-out imagery and reviewed all brand messaging to ensure they constantly used their unique, captivating voice to help them connect with their audience.

We decided to differentiate them, creating an elegant, clean design yet a solid presence to avoid letting their competitors visually overpower their brand, considering everything from fonts to color palette, photography style, and messaging to achieve a premium finish. Every detail in every touchpoint along the customer journey significantly impacts how the audience perceives the brand and the customer decision-making process, so we focused on keeping the brand identity consistent across all brand touchpoints.

Now, they can effectively portray a flawless, consistent look and feel in all their marketing collateral, campaigns, and everything they create to promote their brand, increasing the return on those investments.

Once they were all set with their band identity and style guidelines ready, we also advised them on content marketing strategy and online advertising since that was key to driving lead generation and traffic to their store, and they were ready to communicate the right message targeted to the right audience.

This is why we do what we do… results matter.

Our client was beyond happy to see their new branding come to life. It allowed them to launch the business of their dreams after flawless project management and execution, resulting in the unique, high-end design they've always dreamed of. They were completely in love with their new branding. That's the most rewarding part of the project and what makes our work meaningful. It's all about turning our client’s dreams and ideas into experiences and working together as partners to help them achieve their goals.

After the project closed and the final work material was delivered, we continued working together for ongoing marketing consulting support. That's also an example of how important our client's project outcome and results are for us to develop lasting relationships. That's our driving force to work and continue improving the experience we create for you every day since we only succeed after we help you do so, and those moments make it all worth it.

brand identity & visual assets Design

Lila lovely


Personal Branding Project | Brand Design & Strategy | Alen Hintz


Concert Photography | Creative Direction | by Milla